Knowing how much water your indoor plant needs is important for their survival. Giving them too much or too little than what is required can cause them to die prematurely. 

For this blog, we'll be touching up on how much water do certain types of plant need. We'll also be covering the different methods in watering your plants and when to water your plants. 

How Much Water Does My Plant Need?

Cacti and Succulents - Water sparsely. Let the soil dry in between watering to prevent root rot. 

Tropical Plants - Most tropical plants grow in humid conditions. As such, they'll need a bit more humidity and would like to keep their soil evenly moist. 

Ferns - Most ferns likes to keep their soil consistently moist. Never leave it dry for too long because that's how most fern start to whither away. Check up on it every 2-3 days and water it once the top soil starts to feel a little dry.

Orchids - While they're considered to be a tropical plant, some orchids prefer to be on a dry side. For good measure, water your orchids once a week. 

Snake Plants - These plants are one of the hardiest plants of the bunch. Water sparsely and let the soil dry before watering. 

Pothos - For a happy, healthy Devil's Ivy, water them every 1 to 2 weeks and let their soil dry in between watering. If you missed out on any watering sessions, don't worry. This plant is drought tolerant and can survive long periods of time without water. 

Spider Plants - A happy spider plant is one with an evenly moist soil. Try to water them once a week. If you miss out on any watering sessions, don't worry this is a very forgiving plant.

Hoyas - Water your hoya when the soil is dry to the touch. They're sensitive to overwatering so make sure to give them enough to keep the soil moist. 

ZZ Plant - The watering needs of a ZZ plant is much similar to that of a succulent or a cactus. Water them sparsely and allow the soil to dry between watering. 

Air Plants - For optimal care, air plants should be soaked 2-3 times a week. Give them a 2 hour long soak once every 2-3 weeks. Do this in the morning to allow their leaves to dry throughout the day. 

Venus Flytrap - To ensure the health and safety of your Venus Flytraps, make sure to use distilled water or rainwater when watering them as they can be sensitive to minerals present in tap water. Keep their soil moist but never too soggy. 

Pitcher Plant - Much like the Venus Flytrap, use distilled water or rainwater as this plant can be sensitive to the minerals usually present in tap water. Keep their soil moist at all times like a Fern, water when it starts to feel slightly dry. 

Methods in Watering Plants

Top Watering - This is the regular watering method that's best suited for most houseplants. It's best to water directly to the soil as some plants, like the orchid, doesn't like watering touching their leaves. A long spout watering can will do the trick for a more precise watering. 

 Deep Watering - This watering method is much similar to top watering, the only difference is that it's more thorough. You water the plant until the water comes out of the drainage hole. Doing so can flush away the salt that's accumulated on the top soil. Make sure to let it dry after. 

Bottom Watering - This method of watering is the best for carnivorous plant. simply fill the saucer with water and let the soil absorb the water. Once the soil feels evenly moist, throw out any excess water. 

How To Know When To Water Your Plants

Top of The Soil is Dry - As a general rule for most houseplants, when the top of the soil feels dry, that's the best time to water your plants. For plants life ferns and carnivorous plant, water only when the soil starts to feel a little dry.  

Drooping  Plant - Some plants are more communicative in their needs. When you see a drooping plant, you can take that as a sign that it needs water. However, make sure to examine your plant first and check for any signs of disease before giving it a drink. 

When The Pot is Light - A light indoor planter is a dry one. It may mean that your plant has gone for a long time without a drink.