Getting To Know the Aglaonema Family

The Aglaonema is a decorative plant native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. It is a genus of flowering plants in the Araceae family. These plants are known to exceptional air purifiers. They are also one of the easiest plants to take care of.

It comes with several interesting varieties that come in various shades of green, pink, and red. They are also known to attract good luck. 

How to Care for Your Aglaonema

Caring for an Aglaonema is quite easy. They’re adaptable and quite forgiving if you neglect them for a couple of weeks. However, if you want to keep their lush and gorgeous appearance, it’s important to keep it happy and healthy in the best possible conditions. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for this beauty:

Photo via Nate Matias

Required Levels of Light

To keep its vibrant, luscious appearance, the most important thing to keep note is the amount of light that this indoor plant is getting. Though the Aglaonema can tolerate a wide range of light levels, it thrives best under medium to low-light conditions.

To get the best out of your Aglaonema, place it somewhere with lots of bright, filtered light. Avoid exposing this plant to direct sunlight. Doing so can cause their leaves to yellow and scorch. Rotate the plant now and then to encourage even growth.

Photo via Dingilingi

Watering Needs

This plant can be very forgiving, they can survive a week or two without water. It’s important to note, however, that these plants are found in the tropics where they receive abundant watering. Overdrying them can be just as dangerous as overwatering them. Keep them happy with regular watering.

Remember to check the top 1-2 inches of the top of the soil is dry before giving it a drink. Always use room temperature water as cold water can shock the roots.


Air Humidity

These plants can survive in a less humid environment. However, considering that these plants are often found in tropical habitats, they prefer high humidity. There are ultimately three ways to keep your Aglaonema humid. The first method of misting, give your plants a couple of spritz of water in the morning. The second is the pebble tray method. Place your potted plant on top of a tray full of pebbles with little water. Third keep them in the bathroom, kitchen, or any room with high humidity. You can also opt to purchase an air humidifier if you’re planning to build a collection of tropical plants.

Different Aglao Variegations

As stated in the first part of the blog, the Aglaonema comes in a wide variety of variegations that are absolutely stunning and there's nothing quite like them. Here are few of our favorites:


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Aglaonema 'Suksom Jaipong'

The Aglaonema “Suksom Jaipong” is one of the newer hybrids of Aglaonema from Thailand. These plants are best known for their bright red leave. Younger leaves will tend to take on a greener hue, it’s red variegation spreads throughout the leaves the more it matures. It has fleshy green stems with faint, pink vein lines on the leaves.  They form a beautiful spadix flower that’s surrounded by a light green spathe.

Its color scheme is a perfect, long-lasting alternative to poinsettia. It can also make a striking centerpiece for the living room. It’s rare variegation that's a definite must-have for plants who love to collect different varieties of Aglaonema.

Photo via Facebook from ICS Ornamental Plants

Aglaonema ‘Amnard Jaoen’

The Aglaonema ‘Amnard Jaoen’ is one of the rare and most eye-catching variations of Aglaonema. It’s most distinguished by its lush, light green leaves and a striking red midrib that extends to pink veins. It's foliage are supported by beautiful pink stems. It's an absolute stunner, perfect as a coffee table centerpiece or as an entryway decoration.


Photo via Aglaonema Plant

Aglaonema ‘Anyamanee Red’

The Aglaonema ‘Anyamanee red’ is a rare variegation that originated from Thailand. This plant features large leaves green leaves with a rich, red splotches that spreads throughout the leaves, leaving a few specks of green. It also has a light green stem. It's a lovely plant that

Photo via Pinterest

Aglaonema ‘Anyamanee White’

The Aglaonema ‘Anyamanee White' hybrid is the twin sister of the 'Anyamanee red.'The difference between the two is that this one is lighter in color due to the white splotches on its leaves. It also has a vibrant green stem.


 Photo via

Aglaonema 'Green Long Leaf'

Simple, yet majestic. The Aglaonema Green Long Leaf variety is a well-loved variegation due to its long, oval and luscious leaves. The color or its stem and foliage comes in two shades of green. It's a great plant for elevating a business or professional set up.

Photo via Pinterest from Ggardening Tips

Aglaonema 'Heng Heng'

the Aglaonema 'Heng Heng' is a rare variegation most distinguished by its multicolored leaves. Its foliage ranges from colors of predominantly deep green, chartreuse, yellow and a hint of a pinkish hue. These plants are the best for adding a bit of variety to a urban jungle-themed home.

Photo via Facebook from Hardinerong Uragon

Aglaonema 'Kan Mak Raja'

This is one of the rarest variegation that's worth every cent you spend on it. It's most notable by it's lush, deep green leaves and vibrant pink veins. This color combination contrasts so well for each other. This makes it a fun plant to have around for a pastel themed-room.

Photo via Facebook From Golden Blue Orchids

Aglaonema 'Kodesethi'

It's easy to mistake this one with an Aglaonema ‘Amnard Jaoen’ but the key difference is that the Kodsethi comes is darker green with splotches of a lighter tone. It's red midrib also comes in a cooler tone. 

Photo via Facebook From Golden Blue Orchids

Aglaonema 'Kwagngern'

This Aglaonema variety is one of the rarest as you won't often see this online. It is most distinguished by the shape of its leaves. They are quite long with a slight wave to them. Its foliage are in a deep green color, complemented with a lighter green midrib.

Photo via Facebook From Sakanora Orchids

Aglaonema 'Laksub'

The Aglaonema Laksub is another a variety with a very prominent, red midrib. What sets this one apart from the others is the pattern of its leaves. It's a combination of green and yellow splotches with specks of red. 

These are just some of our favorite varieties! If you want to see more of our collection, click this link here.

Additional Notes

Now that we’ve covered the basics in care for your Aglaonema, here are a few additional pieces of information that you need to keep in mind:


Though these plants are beautiful, it’s important to keep in mind that they are poisonous. This is due to calcium oxalate crystals present in the plants. When ingested, they can irritate the mucous membranes. Its secretion can also cause skin irritation and rashes if you’re not careful.

Just to stay on the safe side, remember to handle this plant with gloves. If your pets and children have a knack for eating whatever they pick up from the floor, remember to keep the plant out of reach. Pick up any plant debris that may fall on the ground.

Choosing the best Pots

If you want to keep your Aglaonema’s soil moist for a while, make sure to get a pot that’s a little less porous. The best potting materials are either adaptable ceramic or long-lasting fiberglass. This plant can grow up to 1-2 ft tall and 1-2 ft. wide, so it’s advisable to go for an indoor floor planter. For this foliage pattern, it’s best to go with a simple ceramic floor pot.