Houseplants are beloved by many for their ability to add touches of color and life to a room. Unfortunately, however, many species of indoor plants can be toxic to pets, making it extremely important for plantitos and plantitas to vet each and every plant that they bring into their home.
Here are some of the best pet-friendly and pet-safe plants you can add to your space:
Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Specimens from the Tillandsia family are some of the most non-toxic and pet-friendly houseplants that you can keep.
Not only that, they are also some of the least demanding, with the plants not needing to be rooted in any soil or medium to grow. In addition, most air plants will stay smaller than 12 inches, thrive in bright, indirect light, and require only a quick soak in water about once a week.
Pro-Tip: Cats and dogs will find the spindly leaves of air plants tempting to chew on, which is why you should make sure to put them on high shelves and other places that are out of your pets’ reach.
Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

Native to Central and South America, money trees are considered a symbol of luck and prosperity, mainly because their braided stems are thought to trap good luck, while the five leaves on each stalk are thought to represent the five classical elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and metal.
Aside from being a lucky plant, money trees are also incredibly pet-safe, making them perfect for households that have furry, four-legged members.
Pro-Tip: You can braid your money tree’s stems as they grow – just make sure to do it when they’re still green and pliable, lest you risk snapping them in two.
Hoya Plants

Also known as wax plants because of their waxy foliage, Hoyas come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, making them extremely attractive houseplants.
In addition to their beauty, Hoyas are also safe to have around pets, as they are generally non-toxic when compared to other plants. This makes them good additions to homes which count dogs and cats as residents.
Pro-Tip: Hoya are native to tropical regions, which means they thrive in humid conditions. To bring your space's humidity levels up, try using humidifiers or saucers with gravel and water.
Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea lancifola)

A member of the Calathea or prayer plant family, rattlesnake plants are especially great additions to one's space, as they are known to add visual impact through their distinctly-shaped and strikingly-colored foliage.
One of the most beautiful plants you can get for your home, the rattlesnake plant is incredibly easy to care for, requiring only bright, indirect sunlight, well-drained soil, and a strict watering schedule.
In addition to its beauty, the rattlesnake plant is also non-toxic, which means you can have them even around pets – just make sure they’re well-rooted so your little fur babies can’t dig them up!
African Violets (Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia)

If you’re into flowers, African violets may be the perfect plant for you.
A great, colorful addition to any home, African violets are prized for their pink and violet flowers, as well as their small size.
Despite their reputation for being a bit more challenging to care for than the usual houseplant, African violets are actually pretty low-maintenance – if you provide them the perfect environment from the get-go, of course!
To thrive, African violets need the following: well-drained soil; bright, filtered sunlight; and regular watering.
Pro-Tip: African violets don’t like it when you splash water on their leaves and flowers. To prevent splashes, adopt the bottom watering method for your violets – your plant will thank you for it!
Here at Pots For Plants, we believe in making indoor gardening accessible and easy to follow. Read our blogs for more information on how to take care of plants, as well as how to integrate them into your home and overall lifestyle.
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